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Where Is Sockdolager Now?

After a two-year voyage to New Zealand, Sockdolager settled in back at home for a time in Port Townsend, Washington. But with the discovery and subsequent purchase of Raven, a unique 29' powerboat built by Leif Knutsen, we realized we would not be using Sockdolager like she deserves to be used, so in October 2016 we sold her to a lovely couple who plan to enjoy her. Our plans are to head north; the scenic,  wildlife- and rain-rich coasts of British Columbia and Alaska beckon. 

BUT WAIT! UPDATE: We took Raven to Glacier Bay, Alaska and all around the Salish Sea. And then, eight years later, fate intervened and brought Sockdolager back to us. For that story, go here and scroll down 8 photos.  Our beloved green Dana 24 is now back in her old slip and awaiting more adventures.

Raven, a Leif Knutsen-designed and built BigFoot 29.  Perfect for the Inside (and Outside) Passage.
 We sold her in early 2024, because...

Look who's baaaack!!