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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ground Hog Day

Pacific Crossing, Day 22: Despite our best efforts to sail, we drifted 16 miles backwards toward the Northeast in the last 24 hours. There's no wind and an enormous NE swell from some big winds far away has been giving us the irony of motion so violent we have to hang on with both hands, in a flat calm. Even sleeping we have to use the leecloths. Crikey! The gods must not have heard the word "flat" in our unsailorly longing the other day. Anway, here we sit, a bit less happy than yesterday about going nowhere, but prepared to tough it out for as long as it takes.

Jim jumped into the water yesterday to clean off an astonishing amount of goose barnacle growth from the hull. He scraped, flopped around like a fish, the marine life chummed the water, and I kept a very sharp lookout on deck for fins slicing through the water. No fins were seen.

Yesterday evening gave us the classic "painted ocean" sunset. There's not much else to report.

Sent via Ham radio

1 comment:

  1. tracy lorraine smithApril 4, 2012 at 1:41 PM

    Not having any luck emailing. winds should pick up slightly, going from 0-5 kts to 5-10 kts the next few days out of the east/southeast.
