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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tonga to NZ Day 8

It's a bit bumpy and thus a bit hard to type. All is well. We are motor sailing hard on the wind hoping for it to turn more west soon. Sunny and cool. 425 miles to go.

Tom's quote of the day: "It's like sailing through a giant undulating bowl of dark blue jello", describing yesterday's conditions.

Note to Karen: I miss you and wish you were here.


  1. Looks like from the winlink locations plotted that you are making fine progress westerly. This to anticipate the change of winds.

    Also looking ahead generally I think that the weather looks good (safe at least). We are all praying and rooting for you both for continued progress and soon safe arrival.

    Dave Jaquette

  2. Replies
    1. Uh, er, note to Helmeyer: You get a hug too, K2. Hey, what if ALL the Karens we know posted... oh wow, a Karen in every port!
