We passed the half way point last night. We now have 535 miles to go and have already gone 615. The motor is running again. It's a fine warm sunny late spring day, but no wind. But no worries as we are still good on fuel and wind is supposed to arrive tomorrow. The wind has been mostly from the southeast (when we had wind) all the way from Tonga. Tomorrow it should be be coming from the west - which means we will have to tack! Yikes, not sure I remember how to do that.
Tom's quote of the day: "There are very few situations where this stuff tastes good, but this is one of them", said while munching on a tasty hunk of Spam.
As I was getting ready to leave Tonga I got out the New Zealand charts, carefully packaged and packed away by Karen over a year and about 8,000 miles ago. And I got to thinking was a leap of faith it was, buying those charts. You hope and you plan and you get the boat ready and you buy charts. All hoping that you actually make it to the place those charts show. Will you be up to the task? Will you stay healthy? Will you really like sailing across an ocean? So many unanswered questions. Yet you buy the charts and off you go. As I look at those New Zealand charts now and see where we will make landfall in a week or so I smile and I'm glad we took the leap.
Jim, thanks for the needed inspiration on another dark, rainy winter PT day. We're keeping the faith! Love to you,