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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

In Crescent City, Northern California

It was a rainy, foggy, and sometimes bumpy ride, but we sure went fast. At around 11am we pulled in here after 56 hours and 283 miles. That's fast for our boat. We motor sailed and leaving SF when we did to catch the southerly winds payed off.

It turns out that the harbor here is being rebuilt - fixing damage from the last two tsunamis. We were I initially told by the harbor master that there was no room for us at a dock due to the construction. But after talking a little more she said that if there was room at the "work dock" we could take it. Well there was a Dana sized spot at the end of a row big commercial fishing boat so here we are.

We'll rest up for a couple of days and wait for the next weather window to continue north.


  1. A very good fact based decision to wait for the favorable winds. Your tactic of applying your meteorology skills to reduce decision uncertainty has paid off handsomely. I wish you continued fair winds and smooth seas.

    1. Not to mention the impeccable logic of the horse smelling the barn! Thanks, Hal, it was great seeing you and Connie. -K&J
