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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hiding away in Coos Bay

Yep, we're in Coos Bay, Oregon waiting for the north wind to die down.  After leaving Crescent City we motored about 40 miles to a little anchorage (aka "doghole") called Hunter's Cove. The next night saw us anchored in Port Orford (another 30 miles).  Then it was on to the Coquille River and the little marina in the little town of Bandon.  That got us another 30 miles closer to our goal.  Yesterday we did the remaining 20 miles here to the Charleston Marina in Coos Bay.

The wind is now blowing hard from the north and is predicted to stay that way into this coming weekend, so we're here for a while.  It will be a good time to both rest up and do some work on the boat.  The time has come to change the oil, impeller, and fuel filters.  And I (Jim) will be attempting to fix a fuel leak in the engine's injection pump.  O-rings are being FedExed  and should arrive on Friday.  We also have a new auto-pilot on it's way to replace the one that died a few days ago.

It will be fun to spend the 4th of July in the U.S. again.  It's hard to believe that it was a year ago what we celebrated the day with a dock party full of cruisers in Papeete, Tahiti.

Karen in Bandon


  1. A pleasure is full-grown only when it is remembered.
    - C.S. Lewis

    Tom Milligan

  2. Always good to here where you are. Glad to know the journey home continues to be safe. Wishing you both a safe return.
