...a peppy periodical on a peripatetic perambulation under sail (and power.)
Here you will find tales of voyages past and present on our trusty Pacific Seacraft Dana 24, "Sockdolager," and our Bigfoot29 powerboat, "Raven," from Port Townsend, Washington, USA. In 2009 we sailed north from Puget Sound up the west coast of Vancouver Island to the Queen Charlotte Islands (now called Haida Gwaii.) In 2010 we went back to the west coast of Vancouver Island. In July 2011 we left the Northwest, sailed to Mexico, and in March 2012 we crossed the Pacific to French Polynesia, then on to the Cooks, Niue and Tonga. We spent several months in New Zealand, and in May 2013 loaded Sockdolager (and ourselves) on a container ship for San Francisco. In June and July 2013 we sailed north along the California, Oregon and Washington coasts, and in August we arrived home. In October 2016, Sockdolager found new owners, and we began cruising on Raven, a unique wooden 29' powerboat. In 2018 we cruised up to Glacier Bay, Alaska, and back. But in 2024 we had the chance to buy Sockdolager back (we missed her), so we sold Raven. We hope you enjoy reading about our adventures as much as we enjoy having them. (And there will be more.)
To help new readers navigate this blog, and to make it easier for longtime readers to find information, we've added a Site Index on the left side of this page, featuring click-through links to blog posts organized by topic and year. Not all blog posts are indexed, but reader favorites and those with topics of interest are. Because many blog posts cover multiple topics, several links may take you to the same post. Currently this index covers the voyage from Port Townsend to New Zealand and back, from mid-2011 through our homecoming. We will expand it to include 2009-2011.
Part oneincludes passages, meaning posts written at sea or about a particular passage. Part twocontains posts about places: islands, cities, ports of call. Part threeis humor posts, but much of the humor writing is embedded in larger posts. Part fouris seamanship. Part fiveis health topics. Part sixis about wildlife. We hope this index helps you to navigate the blog with ease.